Aries: Happy April Fool’s Day! Resist the temptation to think that you don’t know how to play the mediator. Take a page from your opposite sign of Libra, get out of yourself and imagine reality from another’s perspective. Act and initiate from the mantle of peacemaker. With the Moon (and She has been known to incite fools, La Luna, the lunatic) moving through the area of interpersonal relationships until Wednesday, April 7, make sure that you’re not being played for a fool by those closest to you. It happens when their eyes start to glaze over as you make yet another rant. Self-centered is one thing; selfishness is a whole other thing. Don’t be an old fool out of misplaced loyalty.
Taurus: There’s no fool like an old fool, and here’s how you’ve been foolish: You can be all mouth, tongue and lips with no ears. You are the practical joker of the zodiac (along with Sagittarius). Through being an old intractable fool, you can make silent enemies, when actually you’re very laid back and charming. Lately, you’ve been seeing family members all around you, like the young boy in "The Sixth Sense" who quipped, “I see dead people." You’ve been perceiving the qualities of Mommy and Daddy everywhere you place your psychological gaze. Karma, a.k.a. issues, brings up repeatedly what you have been suppressing. It’d be exceptionally foolish for you to ignore messages from those who remind you of those past. Time for emotional housecleaning, all jokes aside. Take a page out of the Scorpio (your opposite sign) book, look for the underlying motivations of those who annoy you, no matter how small the infraction.
Gemini: You’d be the oldest fool if you ignore the messages from your subconscious. Mercury, your guardian, moves into Taurus until June 10. Prepare for your logical mind to seem like it is playing tricks on you. This happens to get you beyond your preconceived notions regarding how you think or feel life should be. It is as if your left hemisphere does not know what your right hemisphere is doing (because it doesn't). Coming out of imbalance of either extreme, logic or feeling, mixes up your messages. Don’t assume facts to fit your beliefs. Don’t let your feelings cloud your naturally objective judgment. Mercury is the original fool in the pantheon. That’s why you must check the facts and analyze the motivations behind your emotions, or you‘ll be the aforementioned old fool.
Cancer: Believing that you are only the sum total of your professional reputation makes you an old fool. Part of this day’s light-hearted shenanigans demands you keep to the personal touch and leave the cutthroat activities to those who are primed to behave in this manner. My grandmother used to call it "home training," her version of good manners. April Fools Day symbolizes your liberty to live how you want to live, regardless of detractors. You’ll be that old fool if you believe the physical world of 5 senses is the only world there is. Break with your patterns that overly serve us, but do not serve you. Too much home training suppresses your wild and crazy self. Allow yourself to have one less person or thing or place to take care of. Less nouns and more verbs, ok? Moon someone, especially on April 2.
Leo: You become the old fool based on your desire to control, plan and strategize. Come to an understanding that your sunny disposition lights in as your gift to the rest of us. Reclusive dressing may be a term that medics used, but for you it means showing up in a bit of a disguised individual. All that you see does not have to be outwardly expressed. Old fools have visceral memories of real surrender. Or at least they should have, idealism and all. When you move toward cynicism, you place yourself as the King in The Emperor’s New Clothes. In effect, you lose your child, and that is the most singularly foolish act you can do. The friendly skies are exceptionally so for you. If anything, you’d have character flaw from everyone saying "yes." Spoiled; no, indulged; yes.
Virgo: Refusing to sense that there’s total love existing from spirit and emanating from your soul adds age to your fool reality. To continue to accept that your past does not effect your imagination comprises an almost total folly. Doesn't your future deserve better than this? As “I analyze” is your key phrase, you have to know you can express yourself in a way-too-subtle fashion. Those Tea Party gene pool folk just won‘t get your synthesizing ways. Please resist the temptation to be seen as foolishly dumb by going along with narrow-minded ninnies or nincompoops. And, if your good girl clashes with your bad girl, just know who is who, ok?
Libra: Opposite sex making out creates the atmosphere of your old foolish nature. All Fools Day, circa 1592 France and Taily Day (April 2) exhibiting your exposed backside wanting to be kicked may be what you live for. Realize that you have an homoerotic subtext in your nature. Basically, it is not about genitalia, I’m speaking to the energies exchanged. There is no lovers beware; there is mostly love be aware. Acknowledge your innate powers to ascertain what a peer needs, and only then, take it under advisement of how to fulfill said needs. Hello, only fools fall in love. Asses are optional, in other words, you can show your love without showing your bee-hind. At the end of all life, fools defy will, no matter they be old or young fools, because will determines the perspective of age.
Scorpio: Being afraid of death is a foolish feeling. Generally, women fear death less than men because of the biological imperative of giving life. Men, well, our creative energies are more abstractedly focused. Of course, we want to believe that the 21st century will shift gender roles and biological clocks. However, this All Fool’s Day, take a page out of compatible Cancer’s message and moon someone. If you don’t feel you can do what I’ve suggested from integrity, think how you can contemplate why God protects babies and fools? Keeping your enlarged mind from calculation magnetizes angels, fairies and mermaids. Know this, for sure. Give yourself 6 weeks, then observe splendor from enriched realities. I be guaranteeing it, foolishly speaking or not...
Sagittarius: Oh, please, you live to be an old fool, or a free unmarried person. C’mon, by the time your soul’s evolution reaches the 9th sign of the zodiac, you need to be transcending some of those presumed gender roles. Bachelors don’t have to be gay; women who choose to remain unencumbered don’t either. Making unauthorized right-brained leaps keeps you in the same segregated categories, burned out, fringed out and strung out. Instead ask yourself, “Why do fools fall in love?” And, more importantly, “Are you easy to love?” Fools are easy to love because they stay centered on the present moment. No worries, no expectations, no obstructions to loving energies. That’s you when you don’t make more of what you really know and feel.
Capricorn: You can be like the people of ancient Troy who did not heed Cassandra’s prophecy. She had an nonreturnable gift from Apollo, she could see the future, but had a curse where no one would believe her. You can be a fool through conforming, so you tell no one what you see for fear of "rocking the boat." Whether you say something to us or not, please, baby, please, be honest with yourself. Speak to those whom you trust, even if it’s only to whom is printed on the dollar. Your ruler, Saturn, is moving backwards from incompatible Libra to supportive Virgo on April 7. You have been given almost four months to repeal mistakes made through "going along to get along." To ignore your vision (or your personal needs) creates a self-fulfilling prophecy labeled folly and loneliness.
Aquarius: Seriously, you can take the world too seriously. You can be foolish only when you have innocence. Looking too much to what could go wrong keeps you an old mental codger or crabby cat lady. You are a diamond in the rough. Fools like you push boundaries. Fools call out taboos. You’d have to have an pure vision without an agenda of action to not get caught in the heavy net of being used. Intimacy must accompany foolishness like Tanto and The Lone Ranger, or Louise does Thelma. Stand by your person(s).
Pisces: Too much drama based on exceptional criticism comprises your basic problem. You are seeing the contrasts between the extremes just a bit too starkly. Yours is a compassionate sign, and must heed the middle feeling ground based on planetary transcendent truths. To get locked in a visionary polarity without considering the other pole causes your voice to become shrill or rough. When we do not grant you an audience, you play the role of the unwelcome fool. Reframe your critiques. Know your mediating point, and watch your support increase. Who knows, maybe, just maybe, you are primed to create additional income streams, as long as your potentially foolish soul does not become the Devil’s fool.
Taurus: There’s no fool like an old fool, and here’s how you’ve been foolish: You can be all mouth, tongue and lips with no ears. You are the practical joker of the zodiac (along with Sagittarius). Through being an old intractable fool, you can make silent enemies, when actually you’re very laid back and charming. Lately, you’ve been seeing family members all around you, like the young boy in "The Sixth Sense" who quipped, “I see dead people." You’ve been perceiving the qualities of Mommy and Daddy everywhere you place your psychological gaze. Karma, a.k.a. issues, brings up repeatedly what you have been suppressing. It’d be exceptionally foolish for you to ignore messages from those who remind you of those past. Time for emotional housecleaning, all jokes aside. Take a page out of the Scorpio (your opposite sign) book, look for the underlying motivations of those who annoy you, no matter how small the infraction.
Gemini: You’d be the oldest fool if you ignore the messages from your subconscious. Mercury, your guardian, moves into Taurus until June 10. Prepare for your logical mind to seem like it is playing tricks on you. This happens to get you beyond your preconceived notions regarding how you think or feel life should be. It is as if your left hemisphere does not know what your right hemisphere is doing (because it doesn't). Coming out of imbalance of either extreme, logic or feeling, mixes up your messages. Don’t assume facts to fit your beliefs. Don’t let your feelings cloud your naturally objective judgment. Mercury is the original fool in the pantheon. That’s why you must check the facts and analyze the motivations behind your emotions, or you‘ll be the aforementioned old fool.
Cancer: Believing that you are only the sum total of your professional reputation makes you an old fool. Part of this day’s light-hearted shenanigans demands you keep to the personal touch and leave the cutthroat activities to those who are primed to behave in this manner. My grandmother used to call it "home training," her version of good manners. April Fools Day symbolizes your liberty to live how you want to live, regardless of detractors. You’ll be that old fool if you believe the physical world of 5 senses is the only world there is. Break with your patterns that overly serve us, but do not serve you. Too much home training suppresses your wild and crazy self. Allow yourself to have one less person or thing or place to take care of. Less nouns and more verbs, ok? Moon someone, especially on April 2.
Leo: You become the old fool based on your desire to control, plan and strategize. Come to an understanding that your sunny disposition lights in as your gift to the rest of us. Reclusive dressing may be a term that medics used, but for you it means showing up in a bit of a disguised individual. All that you see does not have to be outwardly expressed. Old fools have visceral memories of real surrender. Or at least they should have, idealism and all. When you move toward cynicism, you place yourself as the King in The Emperor’s New Clothes. In effect, you lose your child, and that is the most singularly foolish act you can do. The friendly skies are exceptionally so for you. If anything, you’d have character flaw from everyone saying "yes." Spoiled; no, indulged; yes.
Virgo: Refusing to sense that there’s total love existing from spirit and emanating from your soul adds age to your fool reality. To continue to accept that your past does not effect your imagination comprises an almost total folly. Doesn't your future deserve better than this? As “I analyze” is your key phrase, you have to know you can express yourself in a way-too-subtle fashion. Those Tea Party gene pool folk just won‘t get your synthesizing ways. Please resist the temptation to be seen as foolishly dumb by going along with narrow-minded ninnies or nincompoops. And, if your good girl clashes with your bad girl, just know who is who, ok?
Libra: Opposite sex making out creates the atmosphere of your old foolish nature. All Fools Day, circa 1592 France and Taily Day (April 2) exhibiting your exposed backside wanting to be kicked may be what you live for. Realize that you have an homoerotic subtext in your nature. Basically, it is not about genitalia, I’m speaking to the energies exchanged. There is no lovers beware; there is mostly love be aware. Acknowledge your innate powers to ascertain what a peer needs, and only then, take it under advisement of how to fulfill said needs. Hello, only fools fall in love. Asses are optional, in other words, you can show your love without showing your bee-hind. At the end of all life, fools defy will, no matter they be old or young fools, because will determines the perspective of age.
Scorpio: Being afraid of death is a foolish feeling. Generally, women fear death less than men because of the biological imperative of giving life. Men, well, our creative energies are more abstractedly focused. Of course, we want to believe that the 21st century will shift gender roles and biological clocks. However, this All Fool’s Day, take a page out of compatible Cancer’s message and moon someone. If you don’t feel you can do what I’ve suggested from integrity, think how you can contemplate why God protects babies and fools? Keeping your enlarged mind from calculation magnetizes angels, fairies and mermaids. Know this, for sure. Give yourself 6 weeks, then observe splendor from enriched realities. I be guaranteeing it, foolishly speaking or not...
Sagittarius: Oh, please, you live to be an old fool, or a free unmarried person. C’mon, by the time your soul’s evolution reaches the 9th sign of the zodiac, you need to be transcending some of those presumed gender roles. Bachelors don’t have to be gay; women who choose to remain unencumbered don’t either. Making unauthorized right-brained leaps keeps you in the same segregated categories, burned out, fringed out and strung out. Instead ask yourself, “Why do fools fall in love?” And, more importantly, “Are you easy to love?” Fools are easy to love because they stay centered on the present moment. No worries, no expectations, no obstructions to loving energies. That’s you when you don’t make more of what you really know and feel.
Capricorn: You can be like the people of ancient Troy who did not heed Cassandra’s prophecy. She had an nonreturnable gift from Apollo, she could see the future, but had a curse where no one would believe her. You can be a fool through conforming, so you tell no one what you see for fear of "rocking the boat." Whether you say something to us or not, please, baby, please, be honest with yourself. Speak to those whom you trust, even if it’s only to whom is printed on the dollar. Your ruler, Saturn, is moving backwards from incompatible Libra to supportive Virgo on April 7. You have been given almost four months to repeal mistakes made through "going along to get along." To ignore your vision (or your personal needs) creates a self-fulfilling prophecy labeled folly and loneliness.
Aquarius: Seriously, you can take the world too seriously. You can be foolish only when you have innocence. Looking too much to what could go wrong keeps you an old mental codger or crabby cat lady. You are a diamond in the rough. Fools like you push boundaries. Fools call out taboos. You’d have to have an pure vision without an agenda of action to not get caught in the heavy net of being used. Intimacy must accompany foolishness like Tanto and The Lone Ranger, or Louise does Thelma. Stand by your person(s).
Pisces: Too much drama based on exceptional criticism comprises your basic problem. You are seeing the contrasts between the extremes just a bit too starkly. Yours is a compassionate sign, and must heed the middle feeling ground based on planetary transcendent truths. To get locked in a visionary polarity without considering the other pole causes your voice to become shrill or rough. When we do not grant you an audience, you play the role of the unwelcome fool. Reframe your critiques. Know your mediating point, and watch your support increase. Who knows, maybe, just maybe, you are primed to create additional income streams, as long as your potentially foolish soul does not become the Devil’s fool.
Out of time and space astrology
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2:06 PM
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